Donor eggs are an option for women who are unable to become pregnant with their own eggs. Using donor eggs, intended parents can experience pregnancy and childbirth. This blog explores the donor egg process, covering the following topics:

What is a Donor Egg?

A donor egg is an egg (a.k.a an oocyte) that is provided by a woman for another individual to be used in assisted reproductive technologies, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). Donor eggs are typically used when the intended mother or recipient of the eggs is unable to produce viable eggs for various reasons that might include:

  • Advanced maternal age
  • Certain medical conditions
  • History of unsuccessful IVF cycles using her own eggs

Using donor eggs can be a very effective option for women who are unable to conceive with their own eggs. Using donor eggs, intended parents can experience pregnancy and childbirth.

It is, of course, important for all parties involved to carefully consider the legal, ethical, and emotional aspects of donor egg use and to seek out reputable clinics, agencies, counseling, and support throughout the process. The specific laws and regulations surrounding egg donations vary by country and region.

What is the Donor Egg Cycle (IVF Cycle) to Create Embryos?

The process of using donor eggs typically includes the following steps:

Selection of the donor: Donors are usually young, healthy women who undergo thorough medical and psychological evaluations. They may be known to the intended parents, or they may be anonymous donors who have been recruited and screened through a fertility clinic or an egg donation agency.

Synchronization of menstrual cycles: The menstrual cycles of the donor and the recipient of the donor egg are synchronized using hormonal medications.

Ovarian stimulation: The donor receives hormonal medications to stimulate her ovaries to produce mature eggs. This process is similar to that used in traditional IVF.

Egg Retrieval: When the donor’s eggs are mature, they are retrieved from the donor’s ovaries through a minor surgical procedure that is performed under anesthesia.

Fertilization: The retrieved eggs are then fertilized with sperm from the intended father or a sperm donor in a fertility lab to create embryos.

Embryo transfer: Once the embryos are developed and are of suitable quality, the embryos are transferred into the uterus of the intended mother

How Much are Donor Eggs?

How Much are Donor Eggs?

The cost of using donor eggs in assisted reproductive technologies, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), can vary significantly depending on the:

  • Location of your assisted reproductive services
  • Particular fertility clinic or agency
  • Specific services included in your reproductive donor program

On average, in the United States, the cost of donor eggs can range from $20k-$40k or more.

It is important to note that the cost breakdown may include several components:

  • Donor compensation: This is the fee paid to the egg donor. Donor compensation can vary widely, with donors typically receiving several thousand dollars for their participation.
  • Donor medical and psychological evaluation: Donors undergo extensive medical and psychological screening which are covered by the recipient.
  • Donor medications: The medications used to stimulate the donor’s ovaries and prepare her for egg retrieval is typically a significant cost.
  • Medications for the recipient: The recipient will often need medications to prepare her uterus for embryo transfer and support the early stages of the pregnancy.
  • Egg retrieval procedure: The surgical procedure to retrieve eggs from the donor is another significant cost covered by the recipient.
  • Laboratory and IVF services: The costs for fertilization, embryo culture, and embryo transfer are typically included in the overall program cost.
  • Legal and administrative fees: These costs may include legal contracts, agency fees, and other administrative costs associated with the entire egg donation process.
  • Embryo transfer and monitoring: The cost of transferring the embryos into the recipient’s uterus and follow-up monitoring might be part of the overall program fee.
  • Additional services and tests: There may be additional costs if genetic testing, counseling, and other services are involved.

Before proceeding with donor egg IVF, it is important to gather cost estimates from fertility clinics or agencies. You will also want to research your insurance coverage. Keep in mind that the cost of using donor eggs can vary considerably, as can financial assistance or grants that may be available to help with the expense.

Egg Donor Screening Process

Egg Donor Screening Process

The egg donor screening process is a comprehensive evaluation that prospective egg donors undergo to ensure that they are suitable for egg donation. A thorough screening is designed to assess both the physical and psychological health of the donor to minimize risks and improve the chances of a successful outcome for the intended parent. A typical egg donor screening process includes these components:

  • Initial application: Prospective egg donors complete an application that includes their medical history and family history. This initial application helps determine if basic eligibility criteria are met.
  • Age requirements: Egg donors are typically required to be between early 20s to early 30s. This is because younger donors generally produce healthier eggs with a higher chance of successful fertilization.
  • Medical and genetic history: Donors must provide detailed information about any known medical conditions, surgeries, and medications. A family history is also assessed to identify potential genetic risks.
  • Psychological evaluation: Psychological assessment or interviews ensure donors understand the emotional and psychological aspects of egg donation and are prepared for the process.
  • Infectious disease testing: Tests are done for infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, and other sexually transmitted infections.
  • Infectious disease prevention: Donors are educated on measures to prevent infection during and after the egg donation process.
  • Hormonal and ovarian reserve testing: To assess the donor’s ovarian function, a potential donor may undergo hormonal tests and an ultrasound to evaluate her ovarian reserve and the number of follicles in her ovaries.
  • Physical examination: A thorough physical exam may be performed to assess the donor’s overall health and reproductive anatomy.
  • Drug and substance abuse screening: Drug screening tests are often required.
  • Legal and financial counseling: Donors may receive counseling to understand their legal rights and responsibilities, as well as financial compensation.

Keep in mind that the specific requirements and screening procedures can vary between fertility clinics and agencies, and the legal and ethical aspects of egg donation may vary by location in the country. Recipients and donors are encouraged to seek legal advice and counseling throughout the process to ensure all parties understand and agree to their own rights and responsibilities.

How to Choose an Egg Donor

How to Choose an Egg Donor

Choosing an egg donor involves several steps to ensure you find a donor that aligns with your preferences and needs. These steps include:

  • Define your criteria: Consider factors such as physical characteristics (ethnicity, hair color, eye color, etc.), educational background, personality traits, and any other qualities that are important to you.
  • Work with a reputable fertility clinic or agency: Reputable agencies do careful screening and matching to meet your unique needs.
  • Review donor profiles: You will be provided with donor profiles, which contain comprehensive information, including photos, medical history, personal interests, educational background, family history, etc.
  • Consider medical and genetic screening: It’s essential to select a donor who has undergone medical and genetic screening to reduce the risk of hereditary conditions or diseases being passed onto your child.
  • Consult with a fertility specialist: The guidance of a fertility specialist who can provide medical advice and insights is invaluable. They can help you understand the implications of your choices and ensure the donor’s medical history aligns with your needs.
  • Legal and ethical considerations: Egg donation entails complex legal and ethical issues. Address these issues with the help of legal counsel and counseling services provided by your clinic or agency.
  • Partner input: It is obviously critical to involve your partner by having open and honest discussions about your preferences and concerns to make sure you are in alignment.
  • Privacy and confidentiality: Consider how much information you want to share with your future child about the egg donor as well as how you want to approach the topic with family and friends.
  • Trust your instincts: It’s important that you feel comfortable and confident in your choice.

Keep in mind that the process of choosing an egg donor is highly personal. What matters most is that you find a donor who makes you feel secure and satisfied with your decision. Open communication with your partner and any involved professionals is key to making sure you make an informed decision in alignment with your family-building goals.

Advantage of Fresh Donor Eggs vs. Frozen Donor Eggs

Advantage of Fresh Donor Eggs vs. Frozen Donor Eggs

The advantages of Fresh Donor Eggs over Frozen Donor Eggs include:

  • Higher success rates: Fresh donor eggs often have slightly higher success rates in terms of pregnancy and live birth compared to frozen eggs. This may be due to the fact that fresh eggs are not subject to the freezing and thawing process, which can sometimes affect egg quality.
  • Greater control: The recipient can have more control over the timing of the egg retrieval and the entire IVF cycle when using fresh donor eggs.
  • Fewer eggs may be needed: Because fresh eggs tend to have a higher likelihood of successful pregnancies, the process may require fewer eggs to achieve pregnancy.
  • Embryos resulting from Fresh Eggs can be screened with PGTA testing. Embryos that have resulted from frozen eggs can also undergo PGTA testing but it is not typically recommended as that would cause an additional thaw and refreeze.

The choice between using fresh or frozen donor eggs should be made based on a recipient’s individual circumstances, including the recipient’s age, medical history, and preferences in addition to the specific protocols and success rates offered by the fertility clinic. Some clinics may have more expertise and success with one method over the other. Discuss your options with a fertility specialist who can provide guidance on your unique situation.

The ASB Difference

At Atlantic Shared Beginnings, egg donors only cycle for fresh donor eggs. Atlantic Shared Beginning’s partnership with Atlantic Reproductive Medicine makes this clinic uniquely positioned to offer the best in pregnancy and family-building programs to those needing donor eggs to grow their families with the highest screening criteria of egg donors and the best medical services for donors and recipients.

All egg donors undergo their donor stimulation and retrieval cycles at Atlantic Reproductive Medicine under the supervision of the clinic’s highly qualified and experienced physicians.

All Atlantic Shared Beginnings embryos are created in the clinic’s state-of-the-art embryology lab at Atlantic Reproductive Medicine with the expertise of highly experienced embryologists.

Atlantic Shared Beginnings is located in Raleigh, North Carolina, and serves patients from all over the state, region, country, and world.